

Building Blocks for a Better Tomorrow​​

We are running Block Producer Nodes for the EOS community!
Please Vote​.. our producer node is blockpro1eos

Delegate your Tezos here and We will Bake it for you for No Cost!

Delegate your Cosmos Tokens to us for Absolutely No Cost!

What We Do
Blockchains and Blocks Production
Dapps and Smart Contracts
Operations Management
Distributed Applications (Dapps) and Smart contracts form the vital currents and nervous system of the new age of technology and define the ways people interact in a highly trustless yet open trust oriented manner. We build smart applications that take care of the futuristic needs of the new generation and support Distributed Autonomous Organizations that build what our community wants.
We operate highly available and always-on 24x7 data centers and cloud based infrastructure with instant hardware failover and fall back support  for all the blockchain smart contracts and Dapps. Hightly redundant processor architectures, storage arrays and high speed/high bandwidth connectivity  with tamper proof protection form the core of our data center architecture. 
At BlockPro.One we are positioning ourselves for the coming tomorrow by building blockchains and blocks that move the information and protect your property rights and private confidential data. We are very excited about the coming Web3.0 and being a part of building the new future and making the world a safer placer for all. 
BlockChain Specialists
We specialize in all areas of blockchain development, staking, mining, block production, forks management and hosting of decentralized exchanges and applications.  We work on a wide specturm of blockchain architectures and Inter Blockchain (IBC) Communication mechanisms.
Meeting The Ever demanding Needs of the New Age BlockChain EcoSystem...